
How To Get Confidence In Basketball

One of the biggest things property players back from beingness the player they want to be is in that location conviction. Whether that is in a game, or your local rec pick up games.

Nix will Kill a players ability to perform, and show off there skills, than a lack of conviction.

In this article I will exist giving simple tricks and tips y'all tin can implement, to improve your confidence, when it comes to basketball, so you can be the best player yous can be.

1. Work Ethic

It is going to be really hard to be confident in your game and skills, if you accept never practiced those skills.

Having a skillful work ethic and pushing yourself, will gain yous conviction, because it shows yourself, that you are capable, and have done it earlier.

A large reason why guys like Micheal Jordan or Kobe Bryant had so much confidence, is because they accept washed it time and time once again, and put the necessary reps in to exist a primary at in that location arts and crafts and skill.

This does not just mean practise, this could be games, and scrimmages as well. The basic bespeak is that fourth dimension and effort will make you improve at any en devour yous set out to do. And being better at a skill will just increase your mental land and confidence of performing that skill.

Pro Tip: One great way of increasing your conviction when it comes to work ethic, is practicing at game speed, and practicing at the same pace that you play.

I am not maxim all your practice should be like that, but past practicing game speed ,you requite yourself the knowledge and confidence, that y'all can perform at the speed and pace that will be required in upcoming games.

For more than information on how much you should train equally a basketball game player click here.

2. Playing against the right contest

Recollect near it like this, if your an expert player, and you play confronting someone who simply started playing, even if yous are chirapsia him that is non going to gain you whatsoever confidence moving forward.

Confidence is nigh believing in yourself, and proving your abilities when you footstep up and play. That is why playing against the right competition is of import. That is why I ever recommend to play against some who is just every bit good as you lot if not a tiny bit better.

This can improve your confidence as a thespian, considering it gives you the best gamble for improving as an athlete, and information technology allows you to have close competitive drills and games. Having good competition that is still in reach will let you lot to get the best out of yourself.

Remember there is a balance to this, if you are much better than your grooming partner of competition, then you will non grow, but if you are much worse, it volition seem discouraging and not very productive.

Pro Tip: If you do not have access to competition that is almost your level, you can put handicaps on your drills and games. For instance if your much taller than your competitor, so in practice y'all tin can work on your dribbling or shooting, and other skills that practice not involve your height.

iii. Basing your game of You instead of others

Recollect yous tin only be the best version of you that you tin be. A reason I stress this so much is because if you discover yourself comparing yourself to anybody around you lot, and so that tin can get really discouraging as a player, and crusade y'all to lose your conventionalities and cocky confidence equally a role player.

Some players might have had more experience and then you, or they were naturally gifted at basketball game. But by only comparing yourself to y'all, you proceeds confidence because you can run into that your progressing as a player.

Confidence is something that comes from you and non others, but be the best thespian that you can be and you volition accept that real confidence and self esteem. That yous tin can just get from yourself.

4. Tracking Your Progress

This goes into my indicate above about comparing yourself to you. There is almost no better feeling in the globe than seeing yourself progress and get better at a skill.

By getting improve at something this will increment your confidence because it shows you are going in the right direction, and that your hard work is paying off.

But so many players, go overcast up with thoughts and judgments that they cannot run into how much better they have gotten at basketball.

So that is why I think it is important to track your progress, and encounter what things you lot have gotten ameliorate at in the concluding twelvemonth, or months leading up to the player you are now.

How To Track Your Progress- In that location are a bunch of ways you tin can practise this equally a player, and i of my favorite ways is past simply keeping track of your shooting percentages in a given drill.

For case lets say y'all are just starting out and your complimentary throw pct is forty%, past writing this downwards yous can then track your gratuitous throws and see if you tin get those numbers up to 50- or 60%.

This can build your confidence just past the fact that you are improving, and knowing that you lot can get better as a player.

Basically when tracking your progress, only do what ever you demand to exercise, to think how much better yous are now then you lot were in your by.

5. Understanding Your Fright

You have to empathise as a basketball player, that your lack of self confidence, is non just a lack in belief, but it usually stems in either your fearfulness of failure, or what could go wrong, and your anxiety of approval.

Come across when breaking down all this y'all might be thinking " I am not agape, Or y'all might say " I dont care what people think."

Now while this fear might not seem relevant to you lot consciously, this could be playing a role in your game, below the surface or subconsciously, otherwise you would not be having these mental problems involving your confidence.

Elementary Fixes- I always recommend players, to be honest with themselves, it is not unnatural or weird to accept some of these thoughts or fears. Just by pushing it downwardly and, denying information technology, yous can but brand the trouble worse and worse.

That it why you should ever be your own best friend when you become in these situations. Piddling things like reminding yourself that you lot put in the work already and your a capable player out at that place. This Can go a long fashion in improving your performance and getting over those fears, and feet that you may have.

Another thing to note when understanding fear, is that fear and anxiety is anticipation of the time to come, based of past events.

A reason I bring that upwardly when trying to understand your fear is because y'all can and then work on letting things go. See confidence can get destroyed of one bad play, or a couple missed shots in a row.

By letting things go yous tin then offset to brand rational decisions instead or fearful decisions. Which in turn will heave your confidence and make you a better player as a whole.

Check out the video below where they accurately describe the fear of approval and what you can do to understand this and transcend these negative emotions.

6. Break The Ice

Lets say you are just starting the game, and y'all have all those nerves and self doubt running through your head.

Well ane of the all-time things you can do to go in the flow of the game, is to practise something ambitious right abroad.

This can be something every bit simple every bit, driving to the hoop the moment you get the brawl, or pressuring upwards defence force.

This tin too aid you go off that rust and allow you to offset games better, and put you lot in a more aggressive flow state, instead of a passive fright state.

At present I am not saying to disregard your role on the team, or exercise something your passenger vehicle tells you to do. But any it is make certain when you lot kickoff the game to practise something ambitious.

By doing this you suspension off the ice and rust and in turn this will give you the conviction the residuum of the game moving forwards.

Below is a great video explaining the benefits of this technique and strategy, when it comes to confidence, peculiarly in game scenarios.

seven. Control What You Can Control

This is a tip that tin can put things into perspective, and permit y'all to put less pressure on yourself.

Think nigh it, in basketball in that location are simply things we cannot control. Sometimes you might exist missing shots, you might exist a little hurt, or the ref is non calling the game the style yous would like.

But by doing things like playing hard, playing good defense, and being a good teammate, allows you to exist the best player y'all can be in that particular game.

Then in plow there really in no pressure, if y'all practice only the things that you can control, and base your performance of that, then your conviction will ascent.

Because at the stop of the 24-hour interval, you did what you needed to do to play to the all-time of your abilities.

8. Take Fun

Always recollect the reason y'all decided to play basketball. We play because we beloved the game.

I think a big reason then many players struggle in game situations with there conviction is because they forget this unproblematic truth.

Think almost information technology, its rare to see a player struggle with confidence when there playing with there friends or family unit, but that is merely because they are playing for the love of the game and not to show off or show anything.

While I exercise know some games tin be intense, and y'all might be trying to get somewhere with your basketball, but past having fun when playing basketball, this volition actually make you play better and have more confidence in the process.

9. White Knuckle It

Lets say yous endeavor all the tips above, and you just seem to non be able to intermission your fears, and confidence issues.

Well one of the only things you can practise is push through in whatever fashion possible. This could hateful only playing skilful defence, or being a supporter on the bench.

Whatever it is, surprisingly by pushing thorough a bad situation like this, it can really assist your confidence, because it shows y'all that you can get through any state of affairs, and adversity, which can be key ingredients to building confidence in basketball.

10. Exist Alone

If you lot find yourself lacking in conviction in basketball, so existence alone can be i of the best things you tin do for yourself.

By being solitary you can block out all the noise and really discover, and contemplate, what y'all demand to do to play your best and build your conviction. Retrieve sometimes you are your own best instructor.

Y'all know yourself meliorate than anyone, and by quieting your environs, and thoughts this can pb to insight that volition help you proceeds more self believe and confidence when it comes to basketball game.

11. Do It For Yous

Self doubt and lack of confidence tin can sometimes be a result of lack of self worth, or not thinking i'm good enough or even deserve it.

I simple technique is to remind yourself of all the hard work you put into this game, and agreement why you do this.

You put to much work and dedication into this game to waste it, you just need to remember that. and your confidence will rise, or this will give you the will power to quantum that fright and uncertainty.

12. Understanding Your Game

This comes down to knowing who you are as a person or player.

There are certain things that make people feel less confident and certain things that brand players experience great going into games. Information technology is important to sympathise these things equally a person or equally a player

This can exist as elementary every bit knowing what moves and shots are your go tos, and putting that into do in games. Information technology tin also exist as elementary every bit playing your favorite vocal before game time.

Whatever this might be, discover and experiment with yourself and see what went right or wrong in your mindset, when it came to confidence, and work to fix that coming into games or whatever basketball situation you lot discover yourself in.

13. See things for what they are

A lot of confidence problems comes from projecting your past failures to where you are right now, and letting that effect yous.

I am not saying you should never look to the past, but instead of abode or criticizing your by efforts, use that as an opportunity to learn and improve.

Past seeing things for what they are yous can and then eliminate yourself from being to overly emotional and instead have a more counterbalanced logical view of what you need to do.

Past doing this yous can then work on improving your confidence, considering your coming from a improve place mentally,

fourteen. Self Talk

Like I said, your mind can wander off into some really dark places if you lot permit it. By beingness aware of this ,y'all can notice this and change your thinking and mindset going into your next game.

This does not even accept to simply be wishful positive thinking, merely by but non thinking negatively, and getting out of your own head, this volition greatly improve your confidence and game as a whole.

The video above does a great job of explaining this truth.

Other Oftentimes asked questions

Question: I find when I play basketball, my confidence lacks a lot because I am thinking a lot. Is there anything I tin can do to think less when playing basketball?

Answer: One simple technique I accept noticed works if your a actor over thinking, is doing a simple mindfulness exercise that yous can even do in games, something I like to telephone call fixity of focus.

The basics of it, is focusing on one affair no matter the circumstances. This could be your jiff, or even a specific point on your trunk.

A reason I recommend this for players over thinking, because information technology allows them to get back into the moment and be a little more present, while also not allowing y'all to focus on your thoughts. Which can help if your thoughts are causing conviction bug.

Question: Is in that location anyway I can play more confident in basketball when it comes to how I play and my skills?

Answer: I would say this comes downwards to knowing your game, and doing what you like to do on the court.

For example if your a shooter, then take more than shots, at the end of the twenty-four hours confidence comes downwardly to you in basketball, only you know how you like to play. And so my basic answer is, to practise what you like most doing on the court, and doing it all the time.

Question: I just got benched as a player and information technology really is hurting my confidence. How do I not feel less confident, when all these circumstances are happening effectually me?

Answer: Like I said sometimes in basketball game there are things that happen that you cannot command.

Conviction comes from you and but you. If your not playing well, try focusing on things you can decide like your effort, or the energy yous give off to your teammates. While it is not the about fun answer in the globe, this will make y'all a more confident player, and improve actor as a whole.


I hope this article helped, give you some useful tips and tricks, to improve your conviction in basketball. I'm curious, let me know what yous all did to improve your confidence, and what you lot accept seen work for you?

Thank you for reading and every bit always keeping hooping my friends.


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