In a pure survival game similar Astroneer, at that place is no plot to drive the action. Instead, you are pulled forth by a want to improve your engineering and to solve the mysteries of the world and in that location is no greater mystery than the gateway chambers. These ancient artifacts can teleport you from ane to another. And once you lot activate your first gateway, you acquire of an even deeper mystery: the gateway engine at the planet'due south core.

Reaching this engine is no mean feat. You take to be prepared not but for the principal job, but for the hazards and potential contingencies. Here are the 10 things you lot will demand to ensure success in a trip to the cadre.

Updated January 6, 2022, past Jamie Pellikaan: Astroneer continues to be a successful sandbox space adventure allowing you to explore a variety of planets and colonize them. Reaching a planet'south core, where an of import artifact lies dominant, remains an essential task to truly understanding a planet's secrets.

While it is not ridiculously difficult to reach a planet's core, the right tools are essential for getting the job done. Each planet presents its own unique challenges and having a big multifariousness of equipment at your disposal volition let you to overcome annihilation that comes your way. Hither'due south what you lot'll need.

14/14 A Vehicle

Vehicle on planet

A vehicle offers many benefits wherever you go, whether you're going to another planet or traveling to the cadre. Information technology not merely helps you motility rapidly, simply it's also an oxygen source, a platform, and even an emergency battery. Plus, it protects y'all from falls. This is especially of import when going to the cadre as y'all'll tunnel into numerous voids and chambers that create mortiferous drops.

Because you lot'll spend all your time tunneling in tight quarters, a uncomplicated tractor and trailer might be the best choice, particularly since they're cheap and easy to supersede if y'all die. Still, a rover obviously gives yous more than flexibility and options.

13/fourteen An Oxygen Tank

Astroneer Exploring underground on planet

Equally you lot journey to the planet core, you will be tethered to your vehicle and only able to make short forays away. They will be peculiarly short if you lot don't have an oxygen tank.

There are many things y'all can and should count on crafting when and if you need them, but since an oxygen tank is crafted with a refined resource (glass) that has limited alternative applications, it's best to just become ahead and craft your oxygen tank before you head out.

12/xiv A Portable Oxygenator

Astroneer Screen for portable generator

As careful equally yous are with your vehicle, at that place is a good chance that you'll exist separated from it at some betoken. In fact, there will be some places you need to go where you can't take your vehicle. A portable oxygenator (PO) is your fill-in plan. It gives y'all the time you need to find your vehicle again or pursue other contingencies (more on this later).

The PO is very loftier up the tech concatenation, both in terms of unlocking information technology and beingness able to brand the nanocarbon alloy you need to craft information technology, but information technology'due south worth it. It volition save your life often. Plus, at that place are some places yous won't exist able to take your vehicle, and having your PO will give you time to do what demand in that location.

11/fourteen A Source Of Ability

Small Wind Turbine on planet in Astroneer

You need ability for virtually anything yous do in Astroneer, and if you lot're heading to the cadre, you'll need a decent corporeality of it. Plainly, solar panels aren't going to help, so you lot're going to be relying on wind ability and generators. It'southward skilful to have a mix of both.

Generators can exist a reliable backup, but it's unlikely that you'll detect enough organic resources to rely on them primarily. Now that y'all're high upwardly the tech tree, y'all might consider an RTG (radioisotope thermoelectric generator) for your vehicle, but you'll however need personal power.

10/14 A Bombardment

Astroneer Batteries View

If you lot apply an RTG for your vehicle, you lot don't demand an extra battery for that application. However, the PO has 1 limitation (likewise the initial cost): it requires a lot of ability. This means that y'all'll want to brand sure yous not only have power, but you also take a reserve.

Even having a generator running won't be enough to supply your PO, so unless you lot like standing in the terrifying night while y'all try to build up your oxygen reserves, it's a expert idea to have a bombardment. As always, a battery also makes it easier to improve the effectiveness of renewable power like current of air.

nine/xiv A Drill Mod or Drill

Astroneer drill mod close-up view

As you lot travel to the cadre, y'all will encounter harder and harder soils. At this point, the standard-issue terrain tool is insufficient and you simply won't be able to make it. In order to reach your destination, yous will need some type of drill. The easiest way to get where you're going is to put a drill on the forepart of your vehicle.

This is where a rover might come in handy. However, putting a drill on the forepart of a tractor makes information technology harder to ability the rover and accept room for cargo. Whether you're using a drill modern or vehicle-mounted drill, level two or higher is recommended.

viii/14 Basic Resources

Astroneer Batteries At A Base

Although the interior of the planet contains a wealth of advanced minerals, it becomes increasingly devoid of the basic resource you need to craft some of the most essential materials. This includes resin and compounds for making things similar oxygen filters, generators, printers, and platforms.

Even quartz volition go hard to find for a while. Organic textile will be bachelor, but limited. If you are going to be prepared for contingencies like getting separated from your vehicle, information technology'due south a good idea to bring this stuff with you.

vii/xiv Field Shelter

Astroneer screen for field shelter

At that place may not be dinosaurs on the way to the core, but there are plenty of other dangers. If you discover yourself separated from your vehicle and you're running out of resources to go along your PO running, you might need some literal animate room to assess your options and get ready to move on.

A field shelter is peachy for this. Information technology supplies oxygen and power, and information technology only takes ane spot in your pack when packaged. And, once you solve your consequence and are prepared to resume your journeying to the core, you can repackage it and accept it with y'all in case y'all need it once more.

6/14 Aluminum

Astroneer Soil Centrifuge At Base

Aluminum is a great thing to bring if y'all desire to be really prepared. It gives you the ability to brand a soil centrifuge with a relatively low material investment. With aluminum, it only takes five compounds and four resins to get to the soil centrifuge. If you properly apply your printer slot, you can carry all this with you, forth with power, battery, drill mod, and oxygenator.

One time you have the centrifuge, you tin produce nigh unlimited organic, resin, and compound to reprovision yourself to resume the journey. Or you tin can prepare a miniature research base or refinery to take advantage of the rich data and mineral resources on the way to the cadre.

5/xiv Activating Resource

Astroneer View of Planet Core on Sylva

At the core, you volition find the gateway engine, which is a baroque structure, unlike the normal gateways you encounter on or above the planet's surface. While those gateways crave power to be activated, this one requires resources. The type of resources depends on the planet whose cadre you're approaching. For Sylva, you'll detect the resource you lot need nearby.

Other planets are more complicated, and it might be ameliorate to come up prepared. On the other hand, once y'all're properly provisioned, it might not exist so bad to turn around and caput back to your base to make what you need.

four/14 Cargo Space

Astroneer Hematite In Medium Storage On Novus

While digging effectually a planet to find its core, you are jump to come across some interesting items you will want for yourself. You will need space for all your newfound items and resources so ensuring you have the proper cargo room is of import before yous begin an trek to a planet's center.

Make sure you have the proper storage container or space available since certain items tin only be stored in certain containers. For example, a small-scale canister can merely hold soil.

3/14 Worklight

Astroneer On Planet With Work light Attached

You won't know the weather of the center of a planet till y'all reach it, and being able to see the space around you is essential in working your manner down. Worklights allow y'all to illuminate a given area and are more than powerful than the lights on your tether.

Yous tin craft a work low-cal at a small printer or backpack and price one copper to create. While it needs a ability source to operate they don't actually consume whatever energy to stay powered upward during your dig.

two/14 Tether

Astroneer Horizon Tether

An essential particular to have during your Astroneer playthrough, the tether can help transfer oxygen to you lot while you dig to find a planetary core. These items tin be crafted in your backpack and even produce some calorie-free for yous while yous explore the surrounding area.

You tin can even link tethers together and accept them clinging to walls and ceilings. They simply need to be within distance of each other and don't need to exist within eyesight to connect.

Astroneer Novus Horizon

This tool gives y'all everything you need to properly dig to a planet'due south cadre and it'due south something you should already have in your possession. The terrain tool allows you to dig and excavate the land around you meaning yous can quickly create tunnels, ditches, and anything else you need.

The Terrain tool even allows you to flatten, lower, or raise the terrain around yous meaning yous can create a safe and stable passage to the core of any planet you find yourself on.

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